Bhutan 不丹

Pushpin marking on Thimphu, Bhutan map


Bhutan is a landlocked Southern Asian country, which is situated in the Eastern Himalayas, between China in the north and India in the south. A mountainous country, Bhutan is known locally as “Druk Yul” or “Land of the Thunder Dragon”, a name reflecting the cultural heritage of the country. The exonym Bhutan likely derives from the Prakrit hybrid word Bhŏṭṭaṃta, a name referring to its geographical proximity to Tibet. Nepal and Bangladesh are located near Bhutan but do not share a border with it. The country has a population of over 727,145 and territory of 38,394 square kilometres (14,824 sq mi) and ranks 133rd in terms of land area and 160th in population. Bhutan is a constitutional monarchy with a king (Druk Gyalpo) as the head of state and a prime minister as the head of government. Vajrayana Buddhism is the state religion and the Je Khenpo is the head of state religion.

The subalpine Himalayan mountains in the north rise from the country’s lush subtropical plains in the south. In the Bhutanese Himalayas, there are peaks higher than 7,000 metres (23,000 ft) above sea level. Gangkhar Puensum is Bhutan’s highest peak and is the highest unclimbed mountain in the world. The wildlife of Bhutan is notable for its diversity, including the Himalayan takin and golden langur. The capital and largest city is Thimphu, holding close to 1/7th of the population. …….  


不丹王國 通稱不丹清朝史籍稱布魯克巴,是位於中國印度之間喜馬拉雅山脈東段南坡的一個南亞君主制內陸國。不丹西接印度的錫金邦,與尼泊爾相隔,南部與印度的西孟加拉邦阿薩姆邦接壤不丹的首都及最大城市為辛布。在宗喀語中,不丹稱為「主克域」,意為雷、龍之地「不丹」一名來自梵語「भोट-अन्त」(IAST轉寫:Bhoṭa-anta)一詞的轉寫,意思是「吐蕃的邊陲」,暗示不丹是位於西藏文化能夠傳遞的最南端。不丹人來源於古代西藏人,跟藏族同源的門巴族是現在最接近不丹族的民族。



Welcome to the Dragon Kingdom
Bhutan Travel Vlog (Part 1)


A Day Trip to Punakha
Bhutan Travel Vlog (Part 2)


Trekking & Things to do in Bhutan
(Documentary in 4k)
不丹 徒步旅行和景點
(4k 紀錄片)


The most isolated country in the world?


【4K】🇧🇹 The Beauty of Bhutan 🔥
UltraHD Travel Video


Himalayas In 4K
The Roof Of The World Mount Everest
Scenic Relaxation Film
4K 喜馬拉雅山
世界屋脊 珠穆朗瑪峰
風景 放鬆電影


Thimphu (Capital) 廷布/辛布 (首都)