Bukhara 布哈拉


Bukhara is the seventh-largest city in Uzbekistan, with a population of 280,187 as of 1 January 2020, and the capital of Bukhara Region. The mother tongue of the majority of people of Bukhara is Tajik, a dialect of the Persian language, although Uzbek is spoken as a second language by most residents.

People have inhabited the region around Bukhaгa for at least five millennia, and the city has existed for half that time. Located on the Silk Road, the city has long served as a center of trade, scholarship, culture, and religion. Bukhara served as the capital of the Samanid Empire, Khanate of Bukhara, and Emirate of Bukhara. It was the birthplace of the scholar Imam Bukhari. The city has been known as “Noble Bukhara”. Bukhara has about 140 architectural monuments. UNESCO has listed the historic center of Bukhara (which contains numerous mosques and madrasas) as a World Heritage Site.   

布哈拉 是位於 烏茲別克西南部 的一座城市,也是該國第五大城市和 布哈拉州 的首府,人口272,000(2017年)。

布哈拉 在唐代稱為 捕喝、布豁、或安國,王姓昭武,為昭武九姓之一。 布哈拉 在梵文的意思是「修道院」「學術中心」

烏茲別克斯坦 的另一座大城市 撒馬爾罕 一樣,布哈拉塔吉克人 佔多數人口,伊朗文化佔優勢。在 蘇聯布哈拉 劃給 烏茲別克 後,塔吉克 有收回 布哈拉 的企圖。 


Bukhara, Uzbekistan
in 4K (UHD) HDR
烏茲別克斯坦 布哈拉


City of Bukhara
Uzbekistan’s Silk Road
烏茲別克 的絲綢之路


A Tour of The City of Bukhara
Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi
布哈拉市 之旅


Discover the secrets of the Silk Road in Bukhara – life
在 布哈拉 發現絲綢之路的秘密


Bukhara | Why Travel Uzbekistan’s Silk Road?
布哈拉 | 為什麼要遊覽 烏茲別克 的絲綢之路?


歡迎來到 布哈拉


Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 Bukhara
The heart of the silk road!
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烏茲別克 🇺🇿 布哈拉