Mtskheta 梅斯克達 古城


Mtskheta is a city in the region of Mtskheta-Mtianeti, Georgia. It is one of the oldest cities in Georgia as well as one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. It is located approximately 20 km (12 mi) north of Tbilisi, at the confluence of the Mtkvari and Aragvi rivers. Currently a small provincial capital, for nearly a millennium until the 5th century AD, Mtskheta was a large fortified city, a significant economical and political centre of the Kingdom of Iberia

姆茨赫塔格魯吉亞的古城,也是 姆茨赫塔-姆季阿涅季州 的首府,位於該國東部,距離首都 第比利斯 20公里,海拔高度460米,2014年人口7,940。 

Mtskheta was the capital of the ancient eastern Georgian kingdom of Iberia from the 3rd century BC to the 5th century AD. It is of extraordinary importance to the Georgian people and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site. It was here that Georgia adopted Christianity in AD 334 and it remains the headquarters of the Georgian Orthodox Church. Mtskheta is of primary interest to anyone interested in Georgian history or Orthodox Christianity. 

Mtskheta 梅斯克達古城     


Mtskheta – Heart Of Georgia
姆茨赫塔 – 格魯吉亞之心臟


Mtskheta, Georgia Walking Tour
4K HDR 60fps
格魯吉亞 姆茨赫塔 徒步之旅


Mtskheta Georgia 2017: 4 places which must see
Мцхета Грузия 2017: 4 места которые нужно
2017年 格魯吉亞 姆茨赫塔: 4 個必看景點


Georgia the beautiful city of Mtskheta
Грузия прекрасный город Мцхета
格鲁吉亞,美麗的 姆茨赫塔市


Georgia Mtskheta City center
Géorgie Mtskheta Centre ville
格魯吉亞 姆茨赫塔市中心


Walking to Samtavro Monastery | Mtskheta Georgia
Georgia Tourist Attractions | Georgia Country
步行前往 薩姆塔夫羅修道院 | 格魯吉亞 姆茨赫塔
格魯吉亞旅遊景點 | 格魯吉亞鄉村