Tajikistan 塔吉克共和國

Tajikistan political map with capital Dushanbe, national borders, important cities, rivers and lakes. Republic and landlocked country in Central Asia with two small exclaves. English labeling.


Tajikistan, officially the Republic of Tajikistan, is a landlocked country in Central Asia. It has an area of 142,326 km2 (54,952 sq mi) and an estimated population of 9,750,065 people. Dushanbe is the country’s capital and largest city. It is bordered by Afghanistan to the south, Uzbekistan to the west, Kyrgyzstan to the north, China to the east and is separated narrowly from Pakistan by Afghanistan’s Wakhan Corridor. Tajiks form the ethnic majority in the country and the historical Tajik homeland lies in present-day Tajikistan as well as parts of Afghanistan and Uzbekistan.

The territory that now constitutes Tajikistan was previously home to several ancient cultures, including the city of Sarazm of the Neolithic and the Bronze Age and was later home to kingdoms ruled by people of different faiths and cultures, including the Oxus civilization, Andronovo culture, Buddhism, Nestorian Christianity, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism, and Islam. The area has been ruled by numerous empires and dynasties, including the Achaemenid Empire, Sasanian Empire, Hephthalite Empire, Samanid Empire, and Mongol Empire. After being ruled by the Timurid Empire and Khanate of Bukhara, the Timurid Renaissance flourished. The region was later conquered by the Russian Empire and subsequently by the Soviet Union. Within the Soviet Union, the country’s modern borders were drawn when it was part of Uzbekistan as an autonomous republic before becoming a full-fledged Soviet republic in 1929. ……    

塔吉克共和國 簡稱 塔吉克斯坦,是一個位於 中亞 的內陸國家,位於 阿富汗、烏茲別克、吉爾吉斯 中國新疆 之間,位於北緯39度、東經71度,居 中亞地區 之東南部,西北與 烏茲別克 為鄰(邊界1,161公里),東北臨 吉爾吉斯(邊界870公里),南邊與 阿富汗 為界(邊界1,206公里),東與 中國 接壤(邊界414公里)。首都跟最大城市為 杜尚別

現在構成 塔吉克 的領土以前是幾個古代文化的發源地,包括新石器時代和青銅時代的 薩拉子目城 ,後來是不同信仰和文化的人統治的王國,包括 巴克特里亞·馬爾吉亞納文明體安德羅諾沃文化、佛教、基督教景教、印度教、拜火教、摩尼教和伊斯蘭教。該地區曾被許多帝國和王朝統治,包括 阿契美尼德帝國、薩珊帝國、嚈噠、薩曼帝國 蒙古帝國。在被 帖木兒帝國和布哈拉汗國 統治後,帖木兒文藝復興蓬勃發展。該地區後來被 俄羅斯帝國 征服,隨後被 蘇聯 征服。在 蘇聯境內,該國的現代邊界是在1929年成為正式的 蘇維埃共和國 之前,作為 烏茲別克 一個自治共和國劃定的。…..  




Central Asia (Tajikistan Highlights-2018)
Part 34
中亞(塔吉克斯坦亮點 – 2018)


Tourism in Tajikistan