Thimphu 辛布/廷布


Thimphu is the capital and largest city of Bhutan. It is situated in the western central part of Bhutan, and the surrounding valley is one of Bhutan’s dzongkhags, the Thimphu District. The ancient capital city of Punakha was replaced by Thimphu as capital in 1955, and in 1961 Thimphu was declared as the capital of the Kingdom of Bhutan by the 3rd Druk Gyalpo Jigme Dorji Wangchuck.

The city extends in a north–south direction on the west bank of the valley formed by the Wang Chhu, which flows out into India as the Raidāk River. Thimphu is the fifth highest capital in the world by altitude and ranges in altitude from 2,248 metres (7,375 feet) to 2,648 metres (8,688 feet). Unusually for a capital city, Thimphu does not have its own airport, instead relying on the Paro Airport (connected by road some 52 kilometres (32 miles) away). ……..  


辛布,又譯為 廷布亭孚亭布等,是 不丹王國首都

辛布 位於 不丹西部喜馬拉雅山脈中 高處於2,400米的盆地之中,瀕臨旺河河谷(Wong Chu);人口69,000人(2005年末)。1962年,正式成為 不丹首都
旅遊業和農產業是 辛布 經濟的重要部份;而近年來,食物加工亦逐漸興起。

交通: 辛布西面有全國唯一的一個國際機場:帕羅機場,一條跑道服務 不丹的國家航空公司不丹航空公司(Bhutan Airlines) 和 不丹皇家航空公司 (Druk Air). …..  


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