Turkmenistan 土庫曼斯坦


Turkmenistan is a landlocked country in Central Asia bordered by Kazakhstan to the northwest, Uzbekistan to the north, east and northeast, Afghanistan to the southeast, Iran to the south and southwest and the Caspian Sea to the west. Ashgabat is the capital and largest city. It is one of the six independent Turkic states. The population is about six million and the lowest of the Central Asian republics, and Turkmenistan is one of the most sparsely populated nations in Asia.

The country is widely criticized for its poor human rights, its treatment of minorities, and its lack of press and religious freedoms. Since the independence declared from the Soviet Union in 1991, Turkmenistan has been ruled by repressive totalitarian regimes: that of President for Life Saparmurat Niyazov (also known as Türkmenbaşy/Türkmenbaşı or “Head of the Turkmens”) until his death in 2006; Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, who became president in 2007 after winning a non-democratic election (he had been vice-president and then acting president previously); and his son Serdar, who won a subsequent 2022 presidential election described by international observers as neither free nor fair, and now shares power with his father.  …..  


土庫曼 是一個 中亞西南部 的內陸國,西鄰 裏海,北東南分別與 哈薩克烏茲別克阿富汗 伊朗 接壤,面積49萬平方公里,是僅次於 哈薩克 中亞 第二大國家,約80%的國土被 卡拉庫姆沙漠 覆蓋。1991年宣佈從 蘇聯 獨立,土庫曼 也是 亞洲 唯一的永久中立國,石油天然氣資源豐富。

土庫曼 的前身為 蘇聯 的一個中亞地區加盟共和國,在1991年 蘇聯 瓦解之後,成為獨立國家,實行總統制。自1985年加盟共和國時期就出任當時的 土庫曼共產黨中央第一書記薩帕爾穆拉特·阿塔耶維奇·尼亞佐夫,在1991年12月繼任 土庫曼總統,隨即將擁護其執政的 土庫曼共產黨 改名為 土庫曼民主黨,落實該黨配合 土庫曼政府 的施政和政治立場。獨立後的 土庫曼 雖然有加入獨立國家聯合體,然而該國從未批准過國協憲章,目前是以聯繫國身份參與該組織。 …….    


Central Asia/Turkmenistan
(Highlights 2018) Part 28


Visiting Turkmenistan as an American Tourist!
作為 美國遊客 訪問 土庫曼斯坦!


(are they the same?)
北韓 vs 土庫曼


Turkmenistan 4k drone,
Turkmenistan beautiful places and amazing facts
Turkmenistan history culture
土庫曼 4k無人機,
土庫曼斯坦 美麗的地方和驚人的事實
土庫曼 歷史文化


10 Wacky Things About TURKMENISTAN
關於 土庫曼斯坦 的 10 件古怪的事情


Ashgabat (Capital)   阿什哈巴 (首都)