Yerevan 葉里溫 Part – 1

Part – 1


Yerevan is the capital and largest city of Armenia and one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities. Situated along the Hrazdan River, Yerevan is the administrative, cultural, and industrial center of the country, as its primate city. It has been the capital since 1918, the fourteenth in the history of Armenia and the seventh located in or around the Ararat Plain. The city also serves as the seat of the Araratian Pontifical Diocese, which is the largest diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church and one of the oldest dioceses in the world.

The history of Yerevan dates back to the 8th century BCE, with the founding of the fortress of Erebuni in 782 BCE by King Argishti I of Urartu at the western extreme of the Ararat Plain. Erebuni was “designed as a great administrative and religious centre, a fully royal capital.” By the late ancient Armenian Kingdom, new capital cities were established and Yerevan declined in importance. Under Iranian and Russian rule, it was the center of the Erivan Khanate from 1736 to 1828 and the Erivan Governorate from 1850 to 1917, respectively. After World War I, Yerevan became the capital of the First Republic of Armenia as thousands of survivors of the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire arrived in the area. The city expanded rapidly during the 20th century while Armenia was a part of the Soviet Union. In a few decades, Yerevan was transformed from a provincial town within the Russian Empire to Armenia’s principal cultural, artistic, and industrial center, as well as becoming the seat of national government.  ….. 


葉里溫高加索國家亞美尼亞共和國 的首都。在西方有 葉里萬(Erivan)、葉烈布尼(Erebuni)、葉烈溫(Ereun)、耶略瓣(台語)等多種稱呼。常見的名稱表記有「Erewan」、「Ayrivan」、「Erevan」等。

葉里溫 2019年人口為108萬人。主要產業為機械製造及金屬工業、紅葡萄酒及白蘭地釀造、煙草製造等。赫拉茲丹河 流經市內,北望著名的 亞拉拉特山。若以文獻記載為準,該城是現存世界最古老的都市之一。

葉里溫 茲瓦爾特諾茨國際機場 亞美尼亞共和國 的主要機場。葉里溫 無軌電車系統於1949年開始運行,有軌電車則因為高昂的運營成本而被關閉。 共有一條線路,負責着全城的地鐵交通。鐵路方面,只有一條國際線路通往鄰國 格魯吉亞 第比利斯,將 亞美尼亞和伊朗 直接連接的新鐵路仍在建設中。當地的公共交通高度私有化,小巴的市場份額是最大的。….. 


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Yerevan 葉里溫 Part-2